The salient features of 1973 constitution of pakistan include parliamentary form of government, direct elections, bicameral legislature, federal system, independence of judiciary, fundamental rights, rights of minorities and Islamic provisions. The Constitution of Pakistan 1973 was approved on 12th april 1973 and was enforced in the country on 14th august 1973 till now.

Salient Features of 1973 Constitution of Pakistan

The salient features of 1973 Constitution of Pakistan

The salient features of 1973 constitution of pakistan are explained as under.

Written Constitution

As the previous constitutions were, The Constitution of Pakistan 1973 is a written constitution. It consists of 7 schedules and 12 parts. The total number of articles in the constitution of 1973 280 articles.

Rigid Constitution

The constitution of pakistan 1973 is rigid in nature and the procedure for amendment in constitution is more difficult, at least two-third majority is required.

Sovereignty of ALLAH

The first salient features of 1973 constitution of Pakistan is the sovereignty of ALLAH Almighty. It also included Objective Resolution in its preamble. The sovereignty over the entire universe belongs to ALLAH Almighty alone, and the authority to be exercised by the people of Pakistan within the limits prescribed by HIM.

Bicameral Legislature

One of the unique and salient features of 1973 constitution of pakistan is the bicameral legislature system. The constitution of Pakistan 1973 first time introduced the 2 houses for legislation, namely Senate (the upper house) and National Assembly (the lower house).

Parliamentary Form of Government

The constitution of Pakistan 1973 also introduced parliamentary form of Government after the failure of presidential form of government in the country. In this parliamentary form of government the Prime Minister was made more powerful and will act as the head of the government, and the President was made weak and dependent and will be the head of the state. The President must act on the advice of Prime Minister.

Direct Elections

Another salient features of 1973 constitution of Pakistan is the method of elections. Like the 1956 Constitution of Pakistan, this constitution adopted the direct method of election for the members of both assemblies namely, National Assembly and Provincial Assembly.

Federal System

The constitution of pakistan 1973 constituted the federation of Pakistan. There will be a central government, and provincial governments of all four provinces namely, Punjab, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan.

Independence of Judiciary

Another unique and salient features of 1973 constitution of pakistan is the independence of judiciary. The constitution of pakistan 1973 stated that the judiciary will be independent of executive.

Islamic Provisions

The constitution of pakistan 1973 also has islamic provisions, and these two institutions were made under this constitution namely, Council of Islamic Ideology and Federal Shariat Court.

Fundamental Rights

Protection of fundamental rights of the citizens of Pakistan is another salient features of 1973 constitution of pakistan. Some of the given fundamental rights in constitution of pakistan 1973 includes:
⦁ Security of a person
⦁ Safeguard against arrest and detention
⦁ Right to fair trial
⦁ Protection of dignity of a person
⦁ Freedom of movement
⦁ Freedom of assembly
⦁ Freedom of association
⦁ Freedom of speech
⦁ Freedom of trade, business or profession
⦁ Right of information
⦁ Right to education

Rights of Minorities

The constitution of pakistan 1973 also provided the protection and rights to minorities including the protection and preservation of their language, script, culture and religion.

Emergency Provisions

Any constitution isn’t complete without emergency powers. The President have the power to proclaim emergency in the country on account of war or internal disturbance, etc.


Like the constitution of 1962, The constitution of 1973 also introduced the institution known as referendum in the country. The President is authorized to hold referendum of any national issue.


To conclude I can say that the salient features of 1973 constitution of Pakistan include parliamentary form of government, direct elections, bicameral legislature, federal system, independence of judiciary, fundamental rights, rights of minorities and Islamic provisions.


Who elects the President of Pakistan according to 1973 Constitution?

The President is elected through the Electoral Colleges.

How many amendments in 1973 Constitution of Pakistan?

There are total of 34 amendments in the Constitution of 1973, 24 times by Presidential Orders and 10 times by the Act of Parliament.

What are the salient features of Pakistan Constitution 1973?

Salient features of 1973 constitution of Pakistan include parliamentary form of government, direct elections, bicameral legislature, federal system, independence of judiciary, fundamental rights,

How Many articles in the constitution of 1973?

There are 280 articles in the constitution of 1973.

Who made constitution of Pakistan 1973?

The constitution of 1973 was approved on 12th april 1973 and was endorsed by the acting President Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.

Who is the head of all the executive authority according to the 1973 constitution?

The Prime Minister is the heed of all the executive authority according to the 1973 constitution.

What was the importance of 18th amendment in 1973 constitution

18th amendment gave Self-governing, legislative and financial autonomy to the Provinces.